All-On-4 Dental Implants

Terravita Smiles is proud to offer the revolutionary All-on-4 dental implant procedure. With the All-on-4 procedure, qualified patients receive just four implants and a full set of new, fixed (non-removable) replacement teeth IN JUST ONE DAY-no bone grafting necessary.

Traditional methods to achieve the same results as the All-on-4 take anywhere from 18 to 24 months. During this period, a patient goes through extractions (2 months of healing time), bone grafting (6 months of healing time), placement of 5-8+ dental implants (6 months of healing time), impressions and delivery of teeth. Throughout this process the patient is forced to choose between wearing an ill-fitting temporary denture over sensitive gum tissue or simply not wearing any teeth at all. The 18 to 24 months is a best case scenario in which the bone grafting and implant placements are successful. The timeline includes but does not detail the numerous appointments needed for pre/post surgery care and restoration of the fixed teeth. With the All-on-4 dental implant procedure, a patient gets their dental implants and teeth the same day!

The All-on-4 technique utilizes the patients existing bone to support immediate placement of replacement teeth on the dental implants. In the upper jaw, the two back implants are placed on an angle to avoid the sinus cavities (eliminating the need for sinus grafting). In the lower jaw, the implants are placed on an angle to avoid the nerve canal. The angled implants are also longer than regular implants maximizing the existing bone securing the implants and increasing the strength of the final replacement teeth. The two front implants are placed in the harder anterior (frontal) bone and when combined with the back angled implants form a secure structure to place replacement teeth that same day. Bio-mechanically, it would take twice as many straight implants to achieve the same Bite Forces and success rate as the All-on-4 procedure.
